Learn to Recognize Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia symptoms will often show up as common aches or pains. You might even blow off the symptoms not realizing how ill this condition can make someone feel. Because the condition is not yet fully understood, your family doctor can easily overlook the warning signs.

Having muscle pain is a sign you could have this medical condition but because muscle pain is a common complaint, most people never seek treatment and when they do, it’s often mislabeled as a sprain or other muscle injury.

Fatigue is often another overlooked sign that someone is struggling with fibromyalgia. Being tired is common and is nothing to be concerned about. Fatigue is different from tiredness in that it’s a complete weariness, an exhaustion that is not replenished by resting.

Whenever you feel tired and go to sleep for the night or take a nap during the day yet you wake still feeling the same deep tiredness, that’s a clue there’s something going on in the body that needs to be checked out.

There are more serious fibromyalgia symptoms you need to be familiar with. If you sit or remain prone for a while only to find you have difficulty getting your muscles and joints to work when you try to move, that’s a sign that needs to be brought to the attention of your doctor. Too often stiff muscles and joints are passed off as a sign of getting older. Any limit in mobility should be evaluated.

Sometimes you might discover that you’re sense of concentration isn’t as sharp and that you can’t remember things as easily. Having unexplained pain in your body can be a sign of this condition as can a change in bowel habits.

Experiencing bouts of extreme dizziness - from feeling slightly off balance to thinking the room is spinning is also a symptom. All these are part of the signals your body gives out trying to get your attention to let you know that something is wrong in the body.

If any part of your body loses sensation or you get a pins and needle feeling in your hands or feet not caused by them ‘going to sleep’ because you’ve been sitting the wrong way, then you should make an appointment with your doctor for a full examination. Because the fibromyalgia symptoms can range from mild to severe and can change depending on the time of day, you might not be aware that something is wrong.

Unfortunately, this condition doesn’t simply clear up on its own and if you don’t get the medical treatment to deal fibromyalgia, it can significantly impact your health and affect the quality of your lifestyle.

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